Friday, June 12, 2009

Debby Ryan's My Space Blog

Deb wrote a MySpace blog today, which is basically about thanking her fans.

Hey guys,

I was thinking today about how people can affect your confidence if you let them, but not your success.
Think about a diamond in a pretty dark room; you can't see it but it doesn't make it less valuable. That diamond will catch a bit of light and sparkle, reflect and multiply it in a way that's unique to that diamond in that position in that light in that darkness.
Once the light is spread, other gems in that darkness will be able to catch and reflect that light in a way that's their own.
There will always be darkness, but it isn't hiding the light. Darkness is the absense of light. It's creating a canvas for the diamond's affect to show up. There will always be concrete and walls absorbing or blocking the sparkle and even bigger, flashier gems but that doesn't mean that each diamond doesn't have the potential to glitter.

Are you kinda getting the point of this metaphor?
You have so much potential to make a difference, from where you are, with what you have, who you are, how you were made. When no one around you is shining, don't take that as a reason to shy away. Be the first sparkle.


I love you guys && can't wait to see the effect you each have when you shine in your world! We can be the difference in the world around us; use your words and influence to lift people up and shine!

and I can never thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to shine, also. and supporting and uplifting me! I hope I'm using the spotlight your support is giving me to shine brightly enough!
Thank you times 1,248,235,938,382,423!! [still not enough..]



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